Thursday, January 3, 2019

the great grand foot nine

                                      the deaf
                                      dumb and blind
                                      seated behind
                                      the great
                                      grand foot nine
                                      fumbling fingers
                                      left and right
                                      trying to play
                                      the grey
                                      the black
                                      and white
                                      lows so low
                                      mids just so
                                      highs so high
                                      the sustain
                                      that never
                                      seems to die

                                      he who has
                                      not an ear
                                      cannot hear
                                      that which
                                      is sounded
                                      as if so
                                      as to only
                                      hear instead
                                      that which
                                      is heard
                                      his head

                                      copyright 2018